2017 Humanitarian Disarmament Forum

Approximately 90 people participated in the 2017 Humanitarian Disarmament Forum in New York City on 14-15 October 2017. This was the sixth year in a row that representatives from non-governmental organizations had convened to learn and strategize collectively on their common work to advance humanitarian disarmament and thereby prevent and alleviate human suffering.


Nobel Affirms Humanitarian Disarmament

The announcement on 6 October that the 2017 Nobel Prize for Peace has been awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) affirms the humanitarian disarmament as the best way for dealing with weapons of concern. The news comes less than three weeks after the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear […]

Nuclear weapons are prohibited!

Almost a quarter century after they were invented and used by the US in Japan with devastating impact, 122 countries have adopted a treaty banning nuclear weapons. An elderly survivor, or hibakusha, of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Setsuko Thurlow, was among the first to welcome the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear […]

Negotiating the nuclear weapons ban in 2017

On 27 October 2016 at the United Nations General Assembly, 123 countries made history when they voted in favor of a First Committee on Disarmament resolution agreeing to negotiate a ban on nuclear weapons next year.

The resolution on “taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament” through negotiations in 2017 is the […]

Humanitarian disarmament in 2016

The host and conveners of the 2016 Humanitarian Disarmament Forum

Five years on, the umbrella term “humanitarian disarmament” is still the appropriate title for the small community of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society groups working to protect civilians and humanity from the harmful effects of indiscriminate weapons and armed violence. This was […]

Incendiary weapons condemned again

More than a dozen states have called for international law on incendiary weapons to be reviewed and strengthened in light of civilian casualties, particularly in Syria. Despite these statements and letters, no concrete action has been undertaken yet to address incendiary weapons concerns beyond condemning their use.


Ending All-Male Panels

Mainstream media this week caught up on the Internet phenomenon of “all-male” panels or #manpanels when it discovered the “Congrats, you have an all male panel!” Tumblr site by Finnish academic Saara Särmä. Most seemed drawn by the site’s effective use of humour in dishing out a “Hoffsome” Award to recipients, namely the participants […]

A turmultuous yet productive year

2014 delivered increased turmoil resulting in civilian harm, especially in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. From nowhere, a new war began in the east of Ukraine across the border from Russia in which both sides have used explosive weapons in populated areas, including banned cluster munitions as well as Grad rockets, causing hundreds […]

Spring meetings on killer robots

Are major powers changing their approach in acting on humanitarian disarmament concerns? It seems unlikely, but one new indicator is seen in the unanimous support given to the first multilateral discussions to be held on the topic of “lethal autonomous weapons systems.”


Humanitarian disarmament in 2014

A busy year lies ahead for the community of activist governments, UN agencies, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working to advance humanitarian disarmament. Concerns that the new Year of the Horse will see increasing turmoil look warranted as 2014 opened with armed violence taking lives in Central […]